

Planning and executing an irrigation/ agricultural project is a complex and multi-faceted activity. It is not possible for an individual to manage everything single-handedly. Hence, it is imperative that you choose and right agricultural and irrigation experts for assistance and expert consultation on every minute detail of the project.

Netafim – The Comprehensive Partner!

We proudly call ourselves to be the comprehensive partners of farmers across the world, as we help them manage the project right from its inception to operations. We’ve got over 50 years of experience in project management for various aspects of farming including irrigation, the technical know-how, designing, development and executing the entire project. Regardless of your location, crop and the weather conditions, we’ll ensure that you achieve the highest levels of efficiencies, quality and make farming a profitable venture for you!


Community micro irrigation

Community micro irrigation is an innovative concept that involves the facilitation of micro irrigation technology through surface water and to the community of farmers at large. As a project-solution, it involves the integration of ‘Water-Conveyance’ with ‘On-Farm Productivity’. This integration results in considerable gains for farmers in the form of higher yield and output for the community of farmers, along with a better water-use efficiency.
The conventional model of drip irrigation has its own challenges. These include its almost negligible penetration in the surface water. Besides, the countless benefits that one reaps out of drip irrigation remain largely confined to the ground water. Moreover, factors such as water evaporation, uneven water distribution and the absence of a community-based approach towards agriculture result in low water-use efficiency levels.
Community micro irrigation works as a solution here! It helps leverage the benefits of drip irrigation to the surface water, and on the other hand, help overcome the limitations of canal/surface irrigation. It involves facilitation of water to the crop root zone in the command area, thus ensuring equal distribution of water, and helping farmers gain a higher yield. This, in turn, proves to be a truly integrated solution! In simpler words, community micro irrigation is a bridge that fills the gap between the potential created and the irrigation potential utilized.

By Government Association

By Government Association

Conventionally, canals have been one of the most important mediums of irrigation for agriculture in India. However, the drawback with canals is the en route evaporation of water, which prevents adequate supply of water to the crops, thus increasing the farmer’s dependencies on rain.

By Farmers Association

By Farmers Association

Community micro irrigation involves integration of farmers. This refers to differences between the area, crop, terrain, soil, and as micro irrigation is a relatively new concept in agriculture, it would require training, capacity building of all the associated farmers.

Implementation of community micro irrigation projects resolves the issue of canal irrigation like Unequitable distribution, low water use efficiency, uneven crop growth and yields, soil salinity and huge investment on land acquisition.

With the implementation of such schemes, farmers can get assured irrigation water and can double the net returns as compared to surface irrigation. After successful start of this project, socio economic status of all farmers will enhance. 

Netafim has restored faith in the hearts of farmers & promoted the government’s vision with its scientific approach & solution providing values.

Netafim have successfully implemented various projects in India, outside India and one of them is Ramthal community lift irrigation project having area of 11,700 ha and operating since 2017.


Why Choose Netafim as the Project Partner?

With over 50 years of experience and expertise in agriculture and associated techniques, Netafim has designed, developed and delivered several successful projects across the world, and continues to do so even today! Netafim’s innovative farming techniques help farmers gain maximum top quality yield, bring a comparatively larger area under irrigation, and also promote water use efficiency. All of this translates to the higher return on investment for farmers.

The following are some reasons as to why you must choose Netafim!

  • Integrated Approach – Facilitation of world-class agricultural technologies, along with techniques that, when integrated with our in-house technical expertise and logistical capabilities, delivers successful projects across the globe.
  • Strong Backbone – Our strong financial backbone, coupled up with hundreds of global agricultural experts ensures customer piece of mind at every stage of the project.
  • Global/ Local Presence – We are a globally experienced leader, possessing local expertise to deliver the best of both the worlds.
  • Project Financing – Owing to our strong brand identity and global footprint, we support our customers in structuring project financial solutions, customized to meet their project needs.
  • Customer Collaboration – People constitute an important aspect for Netafim, and therefore we maintain excellent long-term relationships with our customers, investors, governments, and corporates worldwide.
  • Agricultural Orientation – As agriculture is our core business, we are a focused and agriculturally oriented company that offers solutions, despite climatic, crop and topographical challenges.


We have the experience. Get in touch and we’ll take you through everything you need to know.