Precision Irrigation - Power a sustainable farming ecosystem to ensure a food secure future.

Precision Irrigation - Power a sustainable farming ecosystem to ensure a food secure future.

SDI-E™ transforms waste into value for dairy farmers, promoting sustainable growth by maximizing on-farm nutrient efficiency.

Challenging traditional methods of irrigation, SDI-E™ enables the efficient use of water and on-farm nutrients, minimizing the impact on the environment; meeting the needs of the modern Dairy Farmer.

SDI-E™ is the Subsurface drip irrigation solution that allows the consistent and reliable application of dairy effluent as a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Farmers have the capacity to sustainably grow feed crops utilizing on-farm nutrients producing higher quality and greater yields.

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The Challenge for Dairy Farmers

Dairy farmers are facing record-breaking drought, driving up the cost of feed and water. Faced with incredible water challenges, farmers have been forced to let thousands of acres of forage crop lie parched and unplanted, making feed for livestock scarce and expensive.

All these factors are pushing farmers to look for urgent solutions to use water
more efficiently.

Drip for Dairy Farmers

This innovative system uses advanced filtration and
proprietary, patent-pending technology developed by
Netafim to blend dairy wastewater with fresh water at
an optimum ratio through monitoring of the electrical
conductivity (EC) in the water as it passes by a sensor.

As the EC of the water changes, Netafim’s system is able
to make real-time adjustments to the blending valves in
order to keep the fertilizer mixture in a prescribed ratio as
it is delivered to the plant’s roots though driplines buried
below the surface.

This process not only reuses water, but also recycles
manure as a natural crop nutrient and soil builder,
reducing the need for commercial fertilizer.

SDI-E™ helps farmers in facing challenges and adopting smarter water practices  

Download the full SDI-E™ handbook

Download the full SDI-E™ handbook

Benefits of Utilizing On-Farm Nutrients

In one year, an average Dairy Farm with 1,250 Holstein Milk Cows can produce about 217,250 lbs of nutrients, enough for 800 acres of field or silage corn. Recycling this organic waste can benefit the environment and farm operations in numerous ways.

Healthier root environment

Healthier root environment

A blend of dairy effluent and fresh water is applied
directly to the roots as the water expamds outward in all directions from the drippers.

Water conservation

Water conservation

By applying an effluent water/freshwater mix directly to the root zone via SDI, evaporation is almost totally eliminated. No moisture on the soil surface means less weed growth and less cultivation or herbicide sprayers.

Nutrient conservations

Nutrient conservations

Coordinating timing of nutrient distribution with plant uptake can reduce the amount of nutrients applied; with drip, nutrients are applied directly to the roots becoming quickly available to the crop.

Energy conservation

Energy conservation

Typically, SDI allows for the reduction of the overall amount of nutrients being applied because it is applied with better timing, coordinated with plant uptake.

Reduced greenhouse gas emmisions

Reduced greenhouse gas emmisions

Approximately 70-90% fewer greenhouse gases are released when dairy effluent water is applied through the SDI system.

"The SDI-E™ system presents a great opportunity for dairies nationwide to improve their operations and
increase productivity while also achieving the environmental sustainability needs of the industry."

Domonic Rossini, Agronomy Leader, West

Read full article

SDI-E™ Irrigation System Overview

Netafim’s patented system precisely blends the right ratio of effluent and fresh water for maximum nutrient uptake
reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers to grow feed crops. Unique system features of our SDI-E™ system include:

Electronically actuated valve

Electronically actuated valve

Controller with EC capable logic

Controller with EC capable logic

Double filtration capacity

Double filtration capacity

2 VFD pumps

2 VFD pumps

Scroll through and learn more about the components required for an SDI-E™ system. To determine a system configuration suitable for your crops, a Netafim Authorized Digital Farming Dealer can determine what configuration is best.

Booster Pumps

Booster Pumps

Two pumps are required at the head of the filter station for blending of the effluent water and fresh water before filtration.  

Water Meters

Water Meters

An essential component to monitor flow, system operation and crop water use. 

Pressure Gauges

Pressure Gauges

In order to maintain system performance, pressure gauges should be placed at key locations.

Mixing Valves

Mixing Valves

Electronically powered mixing valves isolate and regulate flow of the fresh/effluent water mix. 



The filter system protects the drip system from the fine sand and other small particles that can plug the emitters. Sand media filters utilize depth filtration which is most effective at removing suspended particles from the water.

Air Compressor

Air Compressor

A small air compressor is recommended for flushing valves. 

NMC-Pro Controller

NMC-Pro Controller

The NMC Pro System Manager operates, moinitor the performance of your irrigation system. 

EC/pH Monitoring and Control Unit

EC/pH Monitoring and Control Unit

The EC/pH 4G unit displays and transmits to an NMC Controller allowing chemical injection to regulate EC and pH levels.

EC and pH Sensors

EC and pH Sensors

For reliable measurement of salinity in the fresh/effluent water mix. 

Fertikit 3G

Fertikit 3G

Combined with the NMC Pro Controller, the Fertikit 3G gives you the ability to control and make precise injection and dosing applications. 

Pressure Reducing Valves

Pressure Reducing Valves

For control and optimizing of drip irrigations systems. 



Manifolds are used after control valves to supply the fresh/effluent water mix to the driplines. A manifold design incorporating friction loss is critical in distribution uniformity of the water mix.

Air/Vacuum Relief Vents

Air/Vacuum Relief Vents

Air vents added to the lower end of the pipeline ensures system operation. Comination Aire Vents are used downstream of all freshwater pumps and upstream of all field valves. 



Netafim driplines deliver water precisely to the plant roots. Choosing the proper dripline is critical. An Authorized Netafim Dealer can help you spec the right dripline for your farm. 

Flush Manifolds

Flush Manifolds

The use of flush manifolds is required to properly flush the driplines and reduce the labor requirement at the same time.